Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Running Death is dead

Nothing more to say now.

I wish all remaining active players good look to find a new home.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Running Death has problems

We are now too few raiders for perodical raiding. Therefore every member should make some minds, how you imagine your wow future.
Do you want to join an other raiding guild? or do you want to stay with us? or are you burned out from wow now?
Have you enough time the next 2-3 months to raid?
How far / long would you stay with the guild if we can't succeed?
Would you server transfer if necessary?
Do you want help the guild? Have you the time and skills to take some tasks from the guild lead?

Think about this questsions. I want talk about it on 24.9.2011 after I'm back from Ibiza.

What are the possiblities for our raiding group?
1. We recruit new people on Frostwhisper.
2. We recruit new people on another server.
3. We join together another guild (25men raid).
4. Everyone goes his own way or maybe join in small groups other guilds.

If we want to recruit new people, we need following roles (if our core raiders stay in the guild) to get a group from 15 people.
2 tanks (paladin, druid, preferred)
1 healer (priest, paladin preferred)
1 melee dd (rogue preferred)
2 ranged dd (moonkin, shadow, hunter preferred)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Running Death *** Guild Level 20 ***

Now with lev 20:

The heirloom head item (10% more experience from lev 1-85) are available for 1500 Gold, but you must be honored with the guild.
There is no longer a daily guild experience cap.
New perk: Increases the number of flask which provide a flask cauldron from 7 to 10.

The next guild levels also provide some nice and helpful perks:

lev 21 - Have Group, Will Travel - Mass Summon
lev 22 - Chug-A-Lug (Rank 2) - Flask from flask cauldron last for 2 hours (4 hours for alchemists).
lev 23 - Bountiful Bags - Increases the quantity of materials gained from Mining, Skinning, Herbalism, and Disenchanting.
lev 24 - Bartering - reduce the gold prices from all vendors by 10%.
lev 25 - Mass Resurrection

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beth'tilac down - 2/7 Firelands now!

(Aefona, Andori, Failean, Ferumbras, Gloomzor, Gorbi, Kewina, Mhar, Myneki, Terrora)

At 2nd time coming to phase 2 at this evening (we wiped many times in phase1) only one small Spiderling reached her during the phase transition and healed her to 89%, but that wasn't enough to stop us to kill the red widow spider.

Then we worked on Lord Rhyolith Phase 1. Next Monday we kill him!

With 2/7 we are realm rank 25 from 35 guilds, which killed bosses in Firelands.
Alliance side we are place 7 from 9.

We need 1-2 more ranged damage dealer which is now ready for Firelands!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Farm / Alt Raid

We will organise as often as possible a Farm / Alt Raid at weekends.
All (mainchars, trials and alts) can participate.
Raid leader is Terrora (or another offiziers in the guild). He organizes and leads the raid and  will set up the group.

Aims for Farm / Alt Raid  
a) The core raid team should get the last pieces, which never or rarely dropped.
b) New players should get some raiding experience and gear.
c) You should have some fun and another view of the bossfight with your alt.

For the beginning only blackwing descent will be raided except Nefarian, but this can be changed in the future.

Rules for the Farm / Alt Raid
1. Prepare for all bosses if you don't know the encounter.
2. Have your own flask ready in your bag if it's necessary.
3. You should know how to play your character in a raid.
4. Healers must bring some mana potions.
5. Get Teamspeak 3 and follow the instructions of the raid leader.
6. Don't disturb the raid in teamspeak, because you have killed the boss many times ago and you are imaptient and bored. There are players which will raid there first time in cataclysm.

Loot Rule for the Farm / Alt Raid
1. mainchars of the core raiding team for mainrole and secondrole, if it's a good upgrade and not only a sidegrade. (you can find the core raiding team here)
2. rest (members, trials, alts) roll for the loot, but the raid leader can overrule this, if aplayer is for the first time in an farm / alt raid or you get negative attention.

Comment to loot rule:
There are only very few pieces which will be needed from some few mainchars.
If you are not in the core raiding team and you would like change this, speak with me (Kewina). In the most cases you lack of raid experience in cataclysm and not the gear, which you can get very easy with justice points.

Good luck and have fun and some nice drops!!!  :-)

Halfus heroic killed

(Aefona, Andori, Failean, Ferumbras, Gloomzor, Gorbi, Kewina, Mhar, Myneki, Terrora)

Nothing more to say to this kill!

new fishing contract with Failean:
until 8.8.2011
2g per fish or for achievment 15.000g
starting with 4.300 fishes

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shannox killed

Nothing more to say, first boss in firelands is down for us. I hope we can kill Beth'tilac very soon.
Improve your gear if you can, cause we need all damage, mana and hitpoints in firelands.

(Aefona, Andori, Failean, Ferumbras, Gloomzor, Gorbi, Kewina, Mhar, Terrora, Violencia)